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Important Note:

  • MME Computer Lab: The TALPAC software is installed and activated on the computer systems within the MME computer lab (Holden Hall 221) .

Installation Instructions:

  1. The course instructor will provide a download link and serila number for the software
  2. Double click the TALPAC_11.0_x86_(11.0.441.7).exe installer.
  3. From the TALPAC 11.0 window, the select Install.
  4. From the TALPAC 11.0 window, mark the checkbox I accept the terms in the License Agreement and select Next.
  5. From the Press Install window to install TALPAC 11.0 with the current settings window, select the Install button, and click Yes.
  6. From the TALPAC 11.0 window, select Configure Licensing.
  7. Select the radio button labeled Enter cloud server details, mark the Do not show wizard at startup checkbox, and select Next >>.
  8. For the Cloud Server Settings window, you must copy and paste the information located in the text file called TALPAC_License.txt within the Google Drive link above, and select Next >>.
  9. For the Global Server Settings window, mark the checkbox labeled TALPAC, select Next >>, and select Finish.
  10. Closeout of the Client License Manager window.
  11. Form the TALPAC 11.0 window, select Launch.
  12. From the User Database window, select the default setting of Create a new database in the default TALPAC user data directory (Recommended when running in stand-alone mode), and select OK.
  13. From the Software Analytics window, select Close.
  14. A successful installation will show a license expiration date of 12/31/2024 and close out the window.