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VentSim (MME)

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Important Note:

  • MME Computer Lab: The VentSim software is installed and activated on the computer systems within the MME computer lab (Holden Hall 221) .

Installation Instructions:

  1. Download VentSim installation file from
  2. Double click the vvsetup54.exe installer, then click Yes.
  3. For the Setup Language window, select OK.
  4. For the License Agreement window, check the radio button I accept the agreement, select Next >.
  5. For the Select Destination Location window, select Next >.
  6. For the Select Components window, select the Full installation option, then select Next >.
  7. For the Select Start Menu Folder window, select Next >.
  8. For the Select Additional Tasks window, select Next >.
  9. For the Ready to Install window, select Install.
  10. For the Completing the VentSim Design 5.4 Setup Wizard window, click the Run VentSim Design, and select Finish.
  11. The course instructor will provide the VentSim software serial number.